Thursday, September 15, 2011

Scarlow Jacket update.

I was able to get a bit more time in on the Scarlow Jacket for my husband. It is working up fairly quickly and is super simply so far. I completed one of the side panels this morning, and am liking the look of it so far. I am doing a simple stripped garter stitch, so this is great for working on without thinking about it much. This is perfect for knitting while doing school with my girls.

There really isn't a whole lot to say about it so far. Since my new needles came, this project will go on the back burner for a bit again while I make a pair of socks. Socks when I can pay attention and focus, this jacket when I can do nearly mindless knitting. I am hoping to get the second panel finished by the weekend. It would be nice to have this done by the time the weather turns truly cool.

Here is a picture of the completed panel :)


  1. How are the camo socks coming along?

  2. I am nearly done with them! I hope to finish them up tonight and post pictures tomorrow :)
