Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Kid scarf.

My daughter completed her scarf several months ago, and I am just now getting around to posting about it.

The pink scarf is my 7-year-old's first crocheted project. You can see that the tension is a bit wonky in places, and the sides have some decreases and increases where there shouldn't be any, but I think it looks pretty good for a kids' first project. I helped her by making the flowers and the fringe, but the rest is all her work.

My daughter is currently working on another project, and I'll post on it when she is all finished.


  1. SHE FINISHED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY! This took so long, practically a year! :)

  2. She is very proud of her accomplishment, and I am soooooo glad it is finally done!
