Saturday, August 3, 2013

Slowly making progress.

I haven't had as much time to knit as I'd hoped. Once I get the baby to bed for the night, there is still so much to do. Hopefully I can find time to finish these longies soon. He needs some more wool for night time so I can wash his shorties. Anyway, I have the majority of the body done. My gauge is a touch large, but it seemed fine and I'm not concerned if they measure a tiny bit large (we'll see if I end up regretting this decision later on, lol). Here is a picture of my progress so far.

This would be the right side (as in not the left), showing the cable braid. Note that I don't use stitch markers. I figure there is no point since I am using magic loop method and the front and back are split where the markers would go anyway. If I can avoid using extra tools, I do. I don't need extra pieces to get lost in the couch ;)

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