No jean quilts. My family moved into a small apartment a month ago which has more complications than just lack of storage space. The apartment is far too well heated at the moment (no clue if this is true when it is actually cold outside). I am rather put off of blankets right now, not to mention overwhelmed by moving clutter (yes, still). I haven't decided if I will toss/donate the material or hang onto it. I really had my heart set on making those quilts, but not right now at least.
I have started a new knit project very recently. It is a lion brand pattern they recently posted to Facebook, titled simply "Lacework Cardigan." Essentially it is a long sleeved shrug with a very wide collar on it (wide enough it can be used as a hood). I liked the look of it and was frustrated with a project I had just cast on (hated the way all increases looked, just needed to make more mods to the patterned than I cared for at the time).
This pattern calls for an Aran weight wool and acrylic blend by Martha Stewert Crafts (can't remember exactly what it's called, but it has very mixed reviews on Ravelry and a much higher acrylic content than I like). The yarn I had been working with was Cascade Sierra which is 80% Pima Cotton and 20% wool, soft and has a beautiful drape (rather splitty, but I don't mind that much). I had worked up 5 hanks into a shirt previously, and while I liked the look of it, it just didn't fit me in the bust quite right and is not nursing friendly. I plan on extended nursing as long as that's what my son wants (no hard cut off date yet at least), so I really don't see a point in having clothes I can't wear. This cardigan is quite nursing friendly, so I will repurpose the yarn from the shirt and have something pretty and functional that I can actually use.
I'm not very far on the cardigan. You work the collar in short rows on the side to create a big donut shape which you attach to the arms and back piece later. The collar consists of 8 wedge shapes to complete the "donut," I have 1 1/2 wedges completed so far.
I cast on at night when I was tired like I usually do, lol NOT the best time to be figuring out stitch patterns obviously. I had a hiccup with the lace that took some figuring out (I didn't go to bed until I solved it, who can sleep with an unsolved puzzle harassing their thoughts so relentlessly?). The pattern states not to wrap the stitches when working the short rows (in the notes section), but it says nothing about slipping the first stitch on the return row. I knit exactly what the pattern said and it didn't work right. I had to rip out a few rows and start over. Slipping that one stitch lined everything up right. The instructions really need to be written more clearly, or at least mention the needed slipped stitch in the notes section where it says not to wrap the stitches.
I'm liking the way it is knitting up and think it will be beautiful when it is finished and blocked to open up the lace better. My yarn is a rather bright coral color, so this should look nice for this spring and summer. I'm enjoying working on it, but I can't wait to finish it and get to wear it!
This picture shows how far I made it with one hank. The blue is holding my stitches on the live edge to graft once my donut is complete. You can see I made a full wedge section and a little ways into the eyelet portion of the second wedge.
My gauge tends to be spot on, so I didn't do a swatch but checked my gauge once I got some progress made. Not the best way to do things unless you are confident of your gauge and it remains consistant (now that it the case for me, but it certainly wasn't when I was a beginner). I check before I get so far into the project that it would be upsetting to rip it all out, because when you don't work a swatch that is the risk you are taking. I do feel like I get a more accurate gauge measurement taking it from the actual work instead of a swatch, plus I don't feel like I've "wasted time" working that swatch. I've heard people suggest using all those swatches to make a blanket, but honestly, that is WAY too much seaming for my sanity to hold through (have I ever mentioned how much I don't enjoy seaming/sewing?).
Hopefully I can remember to post progress pictures periodically. Also this post is from my phone, so I'm not including links. I hope to do a post with direct links to the pattern and yarn I'm using soonish - ideally within the next day or so.
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