Thursday, April 28, 2011

"Ladylike Pullover" Complete!

Easter evening I completed the crochet sweater. I am quite pleased with how it turned out. The pattern really wasn't difficult at all even though it was an experienced level pattern. The least common stitch used was a treble crochet, and the open work on the yoke wasn't difficult or confusing at all. The pattern was fun to work, and worked up quickly. I didn't notice any joined areas in the Lionbrand Wool-Ease yarn or any defects in the yarn. I bought an extra skein as always and didn't end up needing it. I ended the project with one and a half skeins leftover to put in my tiny stash.

Here are the pictures!

The arm pattern is the same as the trunk. I have the funnel neck folded down instead of scrunched like the lady in the pattern picture is wearing it. The sweater is quite warm, perfect for slightly chilly spring or fall weather. I made the medium size so it has a "bit" of negative ease, I am hoping that it will keep fitting as I loose weight instead of making a large or extra large and ending up with a tent.

Here is the back (obviously, lol) I think the pattern and color looks rather nice with dark jeans. I decided not to block it as I didn't think it needed it.

This is a picture of the cuff as I was working it. I thought it was neat how you double crocheted alternating stitches around the front dc post and the back dc post. It pulled the stitches to make a rib. I've never seen this done before, but it is a really neat idea that I will no doubt use again.

So now what? I've completed my "Spring Four" but need to wait before buying more yarn. The next four patterns I'd like to make are a tank top for me, a sweater jacket for my husband, and two sock patterns for family members. I may try to buy yarn for one of the pairs of socks after the end of the month, but for now I've got to stick to using yarn I already have. I found a pair of socks I'd been working on for my 6 year old daughter, and I'm working on finishing that currently. I have to go through my yarn and see if I have enough yarn to actually make anything else. We'll see what sort of things I come up with.

I'll post pictures/links to the patterns I will be using once I am closer to actually starting them.