Thursday, September 15, 2011

Addi Turbos!

My new needles just came! On first look, they really don't look like anything special. They also look different than I was expecting. I ordered all needles with 32" cables, a size zero, and two size ones with one of them having lace tips.

The first thing I noticed is that the Addi Turbo Lace did not have a red cable, but a light blue cable similar to the regular size one needle. Also the size zero is very different from the other needles. It has a golden cable and is much more blunt tipped. Also the size is not stamped on the cable, only a "2" on the needle portion (the 2 would stand for 2 mm I am assuming). All the packaging looks exactly the same except for noting the different needle sizes. It seems weird that the packaging says the size is stamped on the cable, yet one needle has the size on the needle portion. Is the size zero really an Addi Turbo? I won't be sending it back even though it doesn't seem like it is out of the same series. It would be too much hassle to return it, and the needle seems to be high quality anyway.

What I am looking for most in a needle is a soft cord and a nicely tapered tip. These needles fit the bill perfectly. I do think the Knit Picks needles had slightly softer cables, but I have not yet worked with these and that may make a difference. I plan to start a pair of socks for my husband today, and before I do I will soak the cables in some hot water to see if they soften up some more. I don't need to soak them, as they are quite nice already, but I will do it just for curiosity's sake. As for the needle tips, they seem nice. I am a bit disappointed that the size zero is blunter than the size one, but it is still sufficient. The lace needle has a nice long fine tip that looks perfect for working with small sock yarns. I suspect that I will fall in love with the Addi Turbo Lace.

 From left to right - lace #1, #1, #0.

 Here you can see the difference between the size 1 and the size 0. That solid gold cable is about the same pliability as the blue one, but it doesn't feel quite as slick.

Here are the tips. The tip difference between the lace and regular tip isn't that huge, but dang! Look at that nice sharp tip on the lace needle on the left! You can see how blunt the tip on the size 0 is. I realize it is a small needle, but I was hoping for more of a tip than that. I have yet to see how it knits, so maybe it will be fine in the end.

I will post again about these needles once I've worked with them. But so far, so good!

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