Thursday, February 21, 2013

Braided Longies, Complete!

I just got my yarn for the baby pants today, and I already completed a pair! I'd say I worked for approximately 7 hours throughout the school day and the evening. I used the "Braided Longies" pattern by Raya Budrevich of (I got the pattern off of course). Mine didn't turn out exactly like the ones pictured on Ravelry, but I'm fine with that. I do believe the yarn I used was a little lighter, and my gauge was a little on the small side where rows are concerned (next time I make this pattern with this yarn, I will go up to a size 8 needle instead of the size 7 I used this time). The pants still look nice, and I've no complaints about the pattern.

I made the newborn sized ones, and have over half a skein leftover. I used the dark green Wool of the Andes Worsted, called "Aurora Heather." It is a beautiful heathered green, and the pictures just don't do it justice. I am pretty pleased with the amount of yarn used. I guesstimated that I would need almost 2 skeins for newborn longies, but had a tiny bit of a panic moment when I saw just how small the skeins looked!

 The 3 rows of short rows did add a little bit of extra room in the tush. I'm not sure they were needed, the cable along the sides adds a ton of stretch (though I have yet to have experience with the famous cloth "fluff butt" that is supposedly so difficult to fit pants over).

 I choose the braided cable pattern along the side.

 They look pretty long, and I did make the legs half an inch longer than the pattern called for. I do think they will look quite a bit wider and not so stick-thin and tall once I get them lanolized and blocked (or actually on a baby ;).

I suppose that's about all there is to say about my first knit longies. I have a few other projects to get finished before I start another pair. My 6-year-old has been waiting patiently for me to finish her leg-warmers, and I have the bee baby blanket to block still. There is of course that jacket for my husband, and socks for me, but those aren't going to get touched while there is baby stuff to knit, lol

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